Saturday, June 6, 2020

Spinal Surgeries performed with advance technology

I was pursuing my first year internship of BPT, when I first met Puneet, tall (6’2’’) handsome, an IIT passed out computer engineer. I was attracted to him the moment I saw him. I was very young and the most complicated cases seemed most attractive. Yeah, Puneet was my first patient and I was his therapist. He had an accident on bike, hurt his spine and suffered from qudriparesis.
India spends a lot of their time on road. Like Puneet, they can also be a potential victim of road traffic accidents (and definite victim of loads of pollution). Spinal injuries are the most disabling but common form of accident outcome one has to bear with. Over 200,000 spinal injuries happen here every year. As the times have changed, so is the Spinal cord surgery in India. The previously dangerous to perform procedures are coming about easily and complication free. The technology has renovated the surgical outcomes on all parameters
·         Precision
·         Recovery
·         Results
Prime amongst other technological advancements is the 3D printing technology being used commonly for better access into the spinal structure for creating patient specific implants for spinal surgery candidates. Artificial intelligence in Neuro surgery uses most commonly used surgical techniques in the form of software platforms to predict near proximate results of effectiveness of the surgery before the surgery even starts.
Since we are talking about spinal implants, you would be pleased to know that numerous flexible and human like material made spinal implants have advanced and are being used with unbelievable clarity/appearance while on an X-Ray, CT or MRI during the surgery and later. Spinal preservation surgeries can be initiated through bone growth initiating proteins (BMP) for highly brittle spine. Even in preoperative cases, BMP induction has known to improve post-surgical implant placement to a great extent.
From perspective of accuracy, a better view is made available by spinal direction finding equipment so that each procedure takes place with proper visibility through an X -Ray or on a computer screen.
While mentioning the advanced spinal surgical techniques, it’s imperative that we discuss the robotic surgeries (surgeries by machines held by doctors) that exclude errors and provide more access to the surgery area. This technique is used worldwide for managing lower back and leg pain in older adults with degenerative lumbar spine especially in spinal stenosis treatment.
I am a big fan of the fact that how minimally invasive surgeries have renovated the operative field to the core. Worth mentioning here is the endoscopic spinal surgery for spinal stenosis treatment with extreme patient safety. Just not tissue preservation, this form of spinal stenosis treatment has put forth the pain free side of the surgical outcome. This means the patient is not just able to walk, but walk absolutely pain free, a hope for our young patients.
A damaged or destructed tissue can be replaced by manmade near human disc tissue with almost same function as the natural disc.
This bit will remain incomplete without stating the revolution in the anesthesia techniques brought in particularly to spinal stenosis surgery in the form of conscious sedation. You can check with patient for both sensation and movement, right at the operation table. Apart from surgical techniques in spinal management, there are a few extraordinary medicines and agents (tranexamic acid and orthobiologics) that are lately being employed during surgeries to ensure extremely limited loss of blood and proper bony fusion.
You know what the best part is; the patients who have exhaustively tried all methods, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation will now not have to wait for their lives to restart. The advancement in technology has brought forwards another safer, resumed and quicker side of spinal surgeries, a new hope for patients like Puneet and many more. Being a part of the system and following the procedures very closely from decades, I am proud of the modernization bringing transformation to the field of Neuro surgery.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Brain Surgeries in India

Brain you know is the central controlling unit of body, the boss. All internal and external activities of the body take place on the order of the boss. If due to any disease, injury or functional defect the brain roles are disrupted, the rest of the body too will not be able to perform normally. A brain surgery is a typical curative procedure that is performed to fix any structural or functional issue in the brain due to which the brain is unable to achieve normal accomplishments of the body.
Numerous brain surgeries are available in India and elsewhere to address such brain operation failures. The brain surgeries in India are classified based on which area of brain is involved. Neurosurgeon in Delhi uses yet another classification based on which brain condition needs to be addressed through surgical intervention.
With technological advancements in medical field, top neurosurgeons in India believe in the usage of minimally invasive techniques where an area of the brain can be operated without even a single cut, yet fixing the condition at hand. The best example is the surgery to fix brain aneurysm repair begin through a catheter from leg reaching all the way to the affected are, repairing and descending.
The classification widely used by the Top Neurosurgeon in India goes by
1.       Craniotomy- Which is an open form of surgery where traditional burr holes are created into the skull to access the area of complaint, like brain tumor, accessing, removing and closing.
2.       Biopsy- You must already be familiar with the procedure where a trivial quantity of fluid or tissue is taken from the brain growth and analyzed for the nature of its cells- cancerous or not.
3.       Endonasal endoscopic surgery - Best Neurosurgeon in Gurgaon are currently using this minimally invasive technique without cutting or drilling patient brain. The problem area is accessed through nasal route through an endoscope tube with a camera and light to provide better visibility on a computer screen. Top Neurosurgeons in India are performing this procedure hands on for removing pituitary gland tumors along with various hind brain and brain stem neoplasia.
Similarly best Neurosurgeons in Gurgaon uses more of endoscopic brain access to other areas through various other passages.
4.       Deep Brain Stimulation- Another novel and widely used brain approach as per the top Neurosurgeons in India is the deep brain stimulation. Through this surgical procedure electrodes are implanted in the brain of the Parkinson’s patient. The electrical impulses from the apparatus block the electrical impulses generated from abnormal brain activity which are the reason of symptoms.
A lot of other brain surgeries are also evident these days but we included the once recommended by the top Neurosurgeons in Delhi.
How to find yourself a doctor for brain surgery?
If you are looking for a Neurosurgeon in Delhi, look for the facts below
·         Years of experience the doctor has
·         Numbers of successful surgeries performed
·         Surgeons credentials – degree, arbitration awards
·         Get referrals from your family doctor or physician
·         Look for hospital quality numbers-infection control data, hospital acquired infections, OT readmissions, ICU readmissions
·         Read patient testimonials, contact a few
·         Location benefit
Brain surgeries can be risky and complicated procedures mainly because of the probability of certain consequences which may happen as a part of operating process. It is extremely difficult for the patient to reach a decision. We took that extra step to bring you the sequence of facts that you would need to consider to make an informed decision as to how to go about a neurosurgery that your loved one requires to undergo.

Spinal Surgeries performed with advance technology

I was pursuing my first year internship of BPT, when I first met Puneet, tall (6’2’’) handsome, an IIT passed out computer engineer. I wa...